A New Normal

Anyone else still trying to figure out a new routine? I think I’ve waited too long and now my new routine is to have no routine! I’m getting my basics like Bible reading, AA literature reading, praising, and writing my daily email to my friend done, but those used to be morning activities. Now they take me all day.

I’m reluctant to come up with a new schedule and routine, thinking there will be a time when I can go back to the old one. I tell people that “after” will be a new normal, but deep down I’m not really letting go of the old normal. I’m afraid that until I have accepted that I need to rearrange and/or change my schedule, some things will just not get done.

I’m wondering how others are dealing with this? Are you having trouble adjusting to a new, even if temporary, normal? If not, tell me how to get on with my life. This feels like something I studied in Philippians not too long ago (right at the beginning of Covid-19). On March 12th, I wrote a blog article at my old blog site on Blogspot about dumpster diving. It was based on Philippians 3:4-9 and talked about how Paul was counting the old things as garbage in pursuit of the new (better) things of Christ. I made a pledge to myself at that time that I would not keep looking to the past to use coping skills that didn’t work. That is like searching dumpsters for discarded things that are moldy, broken, and useless to put in a new house.

It’s time to look at that passage again, but this time from a point of view of how I use my time and energy. Continually looking for or relying on the way I did things in the past, just doesn’t work anymore. I need to be putting a new routine into a new life framework.

I have a dry-erase board with my weekly schedule on it. It still has the old schedule. I haven’t changed it. I don’t really know why. It’s not done in permanent markers. It’s easily changeable. I know I need a new direction in my life and a new schedule may help with that. I will get right on that and my goal is to have it done by Monday morning.

I want to end with my questions from above:

  1. How are you dealing with this?
  2. Are you having trouble adjusting to a new, even if temporary, normal?
  3. If not, can you give me suggestions on how to get on with my life?

Thanks for your input.

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