Hello. I feel I should write another “Welcome” post since it’s been so long since I posted a blog article on my webpage. A lot has happened in the in-between time. If you’ve been following along on my Facebook page (More Than Wishing), you know I had a serious back problem that left me in so much pain I was taking high-powered medicine to lessen it. The meds also left me a bit groggy and unable to maintain focus (or was that the pain?) I couldn’t string together a logical set of words; so writing was very difficult and exhausting. I just didn’t have the energy for it. So no blog articles.
Finally, after 4 months of waiting to find out what was wrong and without being able to walk for much of that time, I had major surgery to repair the damage in my low back on January 22nd, 2021. Recovery has been remarkable and I am now able to concentrate and walk. I’m looking forward to using our camping trailer this summer. I’m still building up stamina (it’s amazing how our muscles can atrophy due to not using them for a relatively short period of time), and have a long way to go before I’m walking the mile a day I was doing last summer. I have incentives to keep me plugging away at it.
One of those incentives is a new grandson, born in November 2020. I can’t visit with him and his parents enough to satisfy me. I’m looking forward to being able to go on walks, play with him on the floor, read books to him, and share Jesus with him—you know, Grandmother (Yiayia) things.
As I already mentioned, I’m looking forward to using our new (delivered in August 2020) camping trailer. It may not be this summer, but one trip we plan to take is to Utah. One of our daughters moved there for her first career job and I can’t wait to go visit her. She lives in the southwest corner of the state and the sights are beautiful. She’s enjoying her job and the drastic change in scenery from Michigan. She got there the end of December (after an adventure including a totaled car) and enjoyed the temperate weather (no Michigan freezing and snow).
I’ve been reading in Proverbs for my daily devotions. Today I read part of Proverb 14. Verse 10 in the NLT says, “Each heart knows its own bitterness, and no one else can fully share its joy.” My heart is very sad that due to my back problems I was unable to go with her when my daughter moved to Utah, and to be with her and my husband as they dealt with the accident. Fortunately, no one was injured, but they had to significantly change their plans only ¼ of the way there. Yet I had a supporting role. I was able to muster up much prayer support from church and friends as they dealt with the situation. (Facebook definitely has its good points.) My daughter got to manage several very new and adult activities on her own as a result (she flew the rest of the way to Utah and waited for her belongings to be shipped to her). We saw God answer our prayers above and beyond, and so much better, than we even prayed for. My joy in seeing God work was probably shared by some, but no one can know the extent of my joy, except Christ. The verse in Proverb 14 reminded me that while others may not understand my bitterness or joy, Christ does. Praise the Lord!
I’ll close this article for now. My goal is to ease back into my blog writing by posting one new article a month for now. Be looking for them on the last Thursday of the month.